29 October 2015

Week 54: My Mate Python

Now that i have my time back, i've started a couple of online courses to help me progress with my animation. I'm doing a Programming in Python Course and Game App course all courtesy of Future Learn.

They're about 4-7 weeks long and it's a lot of into to take in. But knowing all the stuff I learnt this last year and some previous knowledge of basic coding is really gonna help - I don't entirely feel like a deer caught in the headlights just yet!

ALSO almost at the end of inktober and I think i've learn heaps, and my style has definitely relaxed a lot more. I'm gonna do a more concept art based challenge next month to get my environments up to scratch.

21 October 2015

Week 53: Inktober Problems

I can be so bloody slow.

A few more from my inktober collection

I'm limiting myself to no longer than an hour each day now! Starting with Zoe from Firefly.

Really need to work on my speed. I blame the traditional artist in me.

14 October 2015

Week 52: Inking and Inking

Im in serious Inktober mode - working mainly on my speed. I'm still not Natasha quick, but in the last week i've found that i'm getting quicker and less hesitant with my lines.

Here are a few and I still need to draw the first 4 days that I missed. Trying to do different things and not just stick to my comfort portraits (which is working).

The running theme is Heroes of Colour ^_^

10 October 2015

Still Walking, Kinda

Well this has taken me longer than hoped mainly due to just having time to do it... but i'm calling this finished! 

Pretty happy with this and I know that in a few months i'll be able to do a much better one but as it stands i'm happy with it ha. Still need to work on adding much more personality and secondary movements in other areas like the head etc but that will be with my next cycle

7 October 2015

Week 51: Walk Before You Run

I've pretty much spent the week (or bits of it) working on a walk cycle haaaa. I've sketched, resketched, and resketched again atleast 6 times, each time figuring out something new. I'm also starting to give it a bit more weight and character...

This is the most recent rough one with Garnet (Steven Universe) as my model. This will need tweaks a a few inbetweens so I can get it to a semi polished state


Also finally kicked off my Inktoberrr haaaa, using it as a an excuse to try out new things and push my character work a bit more

1 October 2015

Redo's, Ret-Cons and Realisations

So before moving onto the next stage of my 2D animation learning, i've decided to redo some of the previous tasks after paying better attention and really considering timing and the principles. I don't want to just gloss over steps and I really want to improve quickly.

I've realised (and so has Natasha) that i've got a good understanding / grip of the principles, but depending on my artistic mood (mainly laziness) I can let these slip in favour of finishing quickly.  oops.

Well eithr way i'm keep reworking on some of these. The flour sack kicking the ball was the first to go!!



Finally 'fleshed out' the jump. I think this one will be redone once I get near to the end of my task list




A few other tweaks - mainly adding a few extra key frames and adjusting the timings