1 October 2015

Redo's, Ret-Cons and Realisations

So before moving onto the next stage of my 2D animation learning, i've decided to redo some of the previous tasks after paying better attention and really considering timing and the principles. I don't want to just gloss over steps and I really want to improve quickly.

I've realised (and so has Natasha) that i've got a good understanding / grip of the principles, but depending on my artistic mood (mainly laziness) I can let these slip in favour of finishing quickly.  oops.

Well eithr way i'm keep reworking on some of these. The flour sack kicking the ball was the first to go!!



Finally 'fleshed out' the jump. I think this one will be redone once I get near to the end of my task list




A few other tweaks - mainly adding a few extra key frames and adjusting the timings