19 September 2014

Week 1: Inductions, Illustrations & Idioms

Life as a Postgraduate student studying Animation & Visualisation (taught by Philip Vaughan) at the Duncan of Jordstonestone College of Art & Design (say that 10 times fast) Week 1!

After getting lost and attacked by robotic doors in the DJCAD, finally made it to the Graduate Centre in the Crawford Building where are main seminars will be held.

Week 1 Induction focused mainly on getting to know about the course and the building - including where the 3D labs and equipment are and a tour of the DJCAD library. There's also heaps of online resources and tutorials available for us to use for free (my favourite word).

On Wednesday we had our green-screen and recording camera introduction and training. Both are VERY new to me, but I learn quick, so i'm really looking forward to it. We already have our first project next week - a 48hr film project - which will probably give me a chance to get to use both.

Thursday we did short intro's/presentations about ourselves. There's such a diverse range of people on the course, all with different backgrounds and experience which is amazing, so there will always be at least one person to get a few tips from/bribe.

We start using the main software Maya next week, so going to have a play around with it over the weekend before our first lesson so I can start getting familiar with it. There are a few other programmes like ZBrush that I want to try out and experiment with to start preparing for upcoming projects.

I'm really keen to not only keep up my traditional artwork, but also become more flexible with my lines and re-acquaint myself with anatomy, so a few of us have asked about Life Drawing classes. I've already started a daily speed sketch challenge on quickposes.com to make sure I keep it. I'm excited to see my development over the year, and hopefully this will be reflected in my animations.

Speed Sketching!

Excitement and tears to be had.