28 September 2015

Week 50: Sack it off

More daily practice. I think this one was a bit rushed, I could definitely have worked more on the weighting especially. But its good I can recognise that

Task 11: Flour Sack Kicking a Ball

Task 12: Change in Character Emotion
The hilarity of it all.

Task 13: Character Jumping Over a Gap
I need to flesh this one out...

Task 13: Standing Up From a Chair

Was a bit lazy with this one, but I guess my main aim was to get the key poses in - i've been working in 1s so i'm trying to break that habit kinda...

I also decided to sculpt the creepiest thing i've ever seen in my life... and abuse the polypaint tool
I present, Day 7 of my Speed Sculpt. The creators of Stephen Universe must be quaking in their boots

Day 8: in my attempt to reacquaint myself with ZSpheres, ZBrush turned on me today. So this was less of a speed sculpt and more of a lesson in confusion and patience. Im planning to make this one a longer project.

Its so fiddly sometimes ack. Hence DOUBLE.