28 September 2015

Week 50: Sack it off

More daily practice. I think this one was a bit rushed, I could definitely have worked more on the weighting especially. But its good I can recognise that

Task 11: Flour Sack Kicking a Ball

Task 12: Change in Character Emotion
The hilarity of it all.

Task 13: Character Jumping Over a Gap
I need to flesh this one out...

Task 13: Standing Up From a Chair

Was a bit lazy with this one, but I guess my main aim was to get the key poses in - i've been working in 1s so i'm trying to break that habit kinda...

I also decided to sculpt the creepiest thing i've ever seen in my life... and abuse the polypaint tool
I present, Day 7 of my Speed Sculpt. The creators of Stephen Universe must be quaking in their boots

Day 8: in my attempt to reacquaint myself with ZSpheres, ZBrush turned on me today. So this was less of a speed sculpt and more of a lesson in confusion and patience. Im planning to make this one a longer project.

Its so fiddly sometimes ack. Hence DOUBLE. 

25 September 2015

Speeding, Sketching, Succeeding (or maybe not)

Back in the art game. Lots of attempts at increasing my speed with portraits cause i'm the slowest artist alive, but i'm getting there D=

Last few speed sketches at obscene hours of the day

Save the Cheerleader, Save the World

It's almost 6am and I am in full character design mode for the short comic project i'm working on with Kaitlin.

It's always nice to flex my design muscles, but also focus on diversity outfits etc. I've tried to keep the designs simple because they need to be easily recognisable on the page (without confusing the reader / viewer) annddd there's lots going on with lots of characters on the same page at the same time so each character needs to 'pop' but not for the wrong cluttered reasons.

Not sure if that makes sense... its 6am. HERE THEY ARE

23 September 2015

Week 49: Thinking, Waving, Weird Sculpting

This is FUN.

Touché 2D, you have taken over my life.

Task 7: Character Thinking

THIS was definitely a lot tricker than I thought it would be... sneak animators island...

Learnings are...that I DEFINITELY need to be more patient AND pay more attention to my timing. But I also need to make sure i'm blocking out the key poses - which I haven't really been doing. A bit of exaggeration wouldn't go a miss either!

Task 8: Flour Sack Waving

Task 9: Flour Sack Jumping

Speed Sculpt day 5 & 6! Trying to be a bit more creative...

20 September 2015

Brushes, Bricks and Balls

Speed Sculpt Day 2:

Did this in 20 mins using Dynamesh... my main aim was to see what I could achieve in this time and see where I lag / faff around, as as per usual its with trying to add in as much detail as possible too soon, and I didn't even achieve this haha. I need to get better at blocking rough shapes then building on these

Speed Sculpt Day 3:

Done in about 35 mins - quick attempt at my face taking learnings from yesterday, like using the move and mask tools better, and the move brush.

Speed sculpt day 4: A slow and unfinished version of the Dr himself, Mr Peter Capaldi. I must commit to finishing these. But again, learning new things as I go along. This was about 25 mins. A sloppy 25 mins I must admit.

And my Animators Island for Task 3:

Decided to add in the ball as well to push myself a bit and get better with timing.

Getting less rusty on the principles, and visualising testing things  a lot more, especially where weight is concerned!

Annnddd here's Task 4: Simple character head turn!

Task 5: Character head turn with anticipation 

Task 6: Character Blinking - which oddly enough I found more tricky. Slowing stuff down always is

16 September 2015

Z's, Brushes and Zomething else

After a mini (2 month) hiatus, i've been reacquainting myself with ZBrush!

This is the ridiculous result. I just had to remind myself of the hotkeys etc and I was mucking around with Dynamesh which is something I didn't use in my last ZBrush stint.

I plan on doing a speed paint a day for the next month alongside my 2D animation shit so hopefully this time next month i'll see some massive improvements in my skill and speed, as well as my creative ideas. Need to break out of the face sculpting bubble!

This is a couple of months old, but i'm reposting it to remind myself that I can actually sculpt. ha

Also pulling together some rough sketches for the comic project. Kaitlin's asked me to put the breaks on this one for the meantime and to focus on a project that's shorter which i'm going to start work on tonight after day 2 of my animation challenge.



15 September 2015

Week 48: Bouncing, Balls and Bawling

alas the animation journey ceases to be over, and as mentioned all year i'm working on getting my 2D animation up to scratch with the help of one Miss Natasha Dudley and Animators Land.

I'm going completely back to basics to make sure I don't pick up any bad habits, and we're going to be doing daily / weekly sessions. So hopefully in a few weeks I can start work on the 2D project ive got in mind.

For now, I present BOUNCING BALLS... my first attempt is definitely shameful, but a fair (still shocking) warm up i'd say...

Other projects in the pipeline:
- Comic with Kaitlin, Natasha and a few other peoples
- 2D animation project
- 3D animation project - this will be a bit trickier when it comes to rendering but i'll tackle that when I get to it.