20 September 2015

Brushes, Bricks and Balls

Speed Sculpt Day 2:

Did this in 20 mins using Dynamesh... my main aim was to see what I could achieve in this time and see where I lag / faff around, as as per usual its with trying to add in as much detail as possible too soon, and I didn't even achieve this haha. I need to get better at blocking rough shapes then building on these

Speed Sculpt Day 3:

Done in about 35 mins - quick attempt at my face taking learnings from yesterday, like using the move and mask tools better, and the move brush.

Speed sculpt day 4: A slow and unfinished version of the Dr himself, Mr Peter Capaldi. I must commit to finishing these. But again, learning new things as I go along. This was about 25 mins. A sloppy 25 mins I must admit.

And my Animators Island for Task 3:

Decided to add in the ball as well to push myself a bit and get better with timing.

Getting less rusty on the principles, and visualising testing things  a lot more, especially where weight is concerned!

Annnddd here's Task 4: Simple character head turn!

Task 5: Character head turn with anticipation 

Task 6: Character Blinking - which oddly enough I found more tricky. Slowing stuff down always is