15 September 2015

Week 48: Bouncing, Balls and Bawling

alas the animation journey ceases to be over, and as mentioned all year i'm working on getting my 2D animation up to scratch with the help of one Miss Natasha Dudley and Animators Land.

I'm going completely back to basics to make sure I don't pick up any bad habits, and we're going to be doing daily / weekly sessions. So hopefully in a few weeks I can start work on the 2D project ive got in mind.

For now, I present BOUNCING BALLS... my first attempt is definitely shameful, but a fair (still shocking) warm up i'd say...

Other projects in the pipeline:
- Comic with Kaitlin, Natasha and a few other peoples
- 2D animation project
- 3D animation project - this will be a bit trickier when it comes to rendering but i'll tackle that when I get to it.