16 September 2015

Z's, Brushes and Zomething else

After a mini (2 month) hiatus, i've been reacquainting myself with ZBrush!

This is the ridiculous result. I just had to remind myself of the hotkeys etc and I was mucking around with Dynamesh which is something I didn't use in my last ZBrush stint.

I plan on doing a speed paint a day for the next month alongside my 2D animation shit so hopefully this time next month i'll see some massive improvements in my skill and speed, as well as my creative ideas. Need to break out of the face sculpting bubble!

This is a couple of months old, but i'm reposting it to remind myself that I can actually sculpt. ha

Also pulling together some rough sketches for the comic project. Kaitlin's asked me to put the breaks on this one for the meantime and to focus on a project that's shorter which i'm going to start work on tonight after day 2 of my animation challenge.
