1 October 2014

Comics, Concepts & Character design

The last 2 days have been VERY beneficial and creative for me.

We had Monty Nero come in to talk to us about conceptual art / design and a little bit about his comic and the art of story telling - these are the 2 things that i've been trying to work on (to no avail) so it was great to some information first hand.

These are the key tips i'll be sticking to this year:
  • Be accurate and think through (think/work in 3D)
  • Think about your characters as functioning people - their background, goals, attitude etc
  • Find solutions to the ideas you don't like
  • Once you have your final design have fun and redesign it for potential new ideas
  • If you're struggling with what your character is like, come up with what they AREN'T like
I've already started to apply these to my personal comic project, and it's helped me to start brainstorming and designing for my 2D and 3D character design project. I'm wanting my design to link into my final project in semester 3 so i'm starting to think of ways for the 2 projects to progress together a potential story. 

So far my strongest ideas are:
  • The role of animation in depicting what happens to the body upon hearing music
  • The role of animation in depicting movement in space (as in outer space)
I'm going to develop this over the next couple of weeks and the character for this, so hopefully would have decided by the time I submit my contextual review and project proposal.

As music will play a really important in my project i've also started to update my playlist - so far the track i've added really fit the mood and emotion i'm hoping to achieve (as random as they may seem!)