21 May 2015

Breathe and Stop.

I've taken a quick from the walk cycle to focusing on another piece of animation which is the bit where she breathes out into her helmet (Shot #7). Thought it would be a nice change of pace, and quick (she says 5 hours later). Its only meant to be 2 seconds long (currently 4... oops, will cut it down), but I wanted to get the basic movements and characteristics!

I looked at a few references and filmed my own. Huzzah

Game: Heavy Breathing Loop from KyleHarrison on Vimeo.

Also I know from all my biology / physiology geeking the basics of respiration and how the rest of the body follows a split second after the chest when you inhale and exhale.

I'm pretty happy with the outcome and again the Graph Editor is an absolute beast of a savior. I'll probably make a few more tweaks once I look at it again tomorrow (i've spent so long looking at it) and make it a tad more extreme. I made a slight tweak to the blendshapes to get the cheeks to pull in slightly too.

I'm definitely picking up lots of little things along the way, and I just want to make sure that I don't over edit... and I don't want it to look to 'fluid'/'flowy' (if that makes sense).

I'm a big fan of these types of movements and I want to achieve something similar (fingers crossed), but I know i'll be making a hell of a lot more mistakes before I get it right. But I remain hopeful and awesome!

I decided that music would be needed to accompany this feat - firstly some Gaming tunnnesss and then of course Mr Q-Tip.