22 May 2015

Semester 2 Reflection

Well... if I thought Semester 1 was quick, this semester has FLOWN by. I literally have no idea where the time has gone, and while that's a bit scary deadline wise, it does make me feel pretty damn proud about everything i've achieved within the time scale.

So my main aim for this Semester was to learn all the key things I needed to complete my solo final project. I think Going Live gave me the best chance to do this, especially when it came to things like setting up renders and compositing. But most importantly I wanted to push myself to be better at the things I learnt last semester - Like Modelling, Rigging and Texturing.

I also wanted to take Semester 2 to grow mentally as well (when it comes to art and animation), so using all projects as opportunities to test and strengthen my problem solving skills by finding new solutions to any issues - whether it be deformations or my initial distaste for texturing (I like it now that i've taught myself to 'think in 3D' so to speak).

This means it was trying and testing new things and picking up new skills along the way and not just relying on what I'm used to. For instance with the whole texturing hate I was convinced that using the 3D Photoshop function would make me like it, and while it kind of did it was only when I saw the issues with it and gave in and tested Mudbox again (taking all i'd learnt from Photoshop) that it clicked and started to make heaps of sense.

I've also used this time to set myself lots of personal creative goals, including learning ZBrush, TV paint and drawing everyday. I've learned to take things one step at a time, but still have to remind myself that I can't run before I can walk D=.

So the key things i've learnt from Semester 2:

  1. Practice and Confidence is key
    I 100% want to keep getting better at both art and animation, and to do this I now know that I literally do have to just keep practising every day, even if its in tiny chunks. I'm more likely to get better quicker if i'm doing 1 hour as opposed to 4hr spurts once every couple of weeks. But in order to do this I need to remain confident in my over all goal and get things wrong before getting them right. (I sound so deep, pffft)

  2. Positivity and Practicality
    This is something that Going Live definitely revealed to me. I definitely see myself as a relatively calm/chilled out person (i'm sure most do), but there is really tested when you're under stressful conditions such as meeting a tight deadline.

    I think I was able to retain this throughout the project in spite of any issues that did come up. Keeping a calm head also helps you think more practically and solve solutions a lot quicker and more effectively. So my hope was that my Powerpuff Girls positivity would rub off on other people, because I really wanted everyone to come away from it with a really positive experience (I also like to think that high-spirits can positively impact a production).

    Having worked in a very high pressure role previously (and done a lot of panicking), I really really wanted to approach this differently and I think I managed to achieve that :)

  3. Director of all the Art!!
    I think this could be a good career path for me... Now while I didn't perform the role in its entirety for Going Live, now that it's done and i've reflected on it, I feel like this is a role I could fulfil one day.

    I love to get involved in everything, and support where I can. I'm also fully aware (I hope) of my creative strengths and weaknesses - and I think I can recognise them in other too. I know Art Direction is more than that, but it think these are some of the core things needed - everything else would be learning and experience (I hope). I'll see where it takes me!

  4. I love artists
    This is actually the first time (not including school), that i've actually worked with and around lots of artists and i've loved it. I didn't realise how 'isolated' I was as an artist until joining this course and working with everything. I've learnt sooooo much from them especially in terms of style and technique and just different ways of thinking, and thats definitely something i'm really grateful for.

    I've loved working in a team and the dynamic (and the fun, food, jokes, banter and booze it brings) and I feel like i've really begun to thrive in those types of situations.

    As sappy as it sounds this course and these peeps are great. Long live the artist/animator!

Besides finishing (lol) my final project, I think my main goals for Semester 3 are pretty much to continue on as I have been these last few weeks - lots of art, practice and learning! But I also need to really start thinking about my next move career wise and how I can initiate my plan to take over Marvel.