6 May 2015

Week 34: ZBrush and a Zest for Sculpting/Art Life

I am back in London and in full blown art mode.. although sadly this hasn't translated to animating =/ to be honest the short break after Going Live has been very much welcomed, so I want to use this week as a chance to recharge my batteries so to speak and stay up til 5am painting.

Here are the currently fruits of my labour

Billie Holiday is currently a work in progress
Now whilst i'm very happy with these, again i'm falling into old habits - so the next paintings I've got lined up i'm aiming to do something a bit different, and I really want to branch more into the concept art side of painting. I feel like i've got my portrait skills up to a level i'm happy with, and to expand this I need to again start trying new things and branching out.

There's a lot I want to achieve int he next 12 weeks, and ZBrush learning has now begun, and can I just say, the shortkey for Zoom is the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard (i'm sure i'll get used to it in now time)... all this swapping between Maya, Photoshop, Mudbox, Zbrush is definitely confusing the mind.

Very excited to be able to use it probably once ive learned the basics courtesy of Yotube and Digital Tutors and my embarrassing first sculpture will be arriving in no time.

I would also like to take this time to say that I reallllyy really want to Sculpt and Paint the Vision, and that the West Coast Avengers saved Age of Ultron (sorry Joss)...