23 May 2015

I R Websiter & Animator

I've been beavering away getting my 'affairs' in order the last couple of days - one of the top being a NEW WEBSITE / BLOG for all my professional art/blog update needs after the course ends (I'll add an animation section once i've pulled together my showreel etc).

I was initially going to build the entire thing from scratch... which meant would have taken a few weeks and would have driven me crazy over android responsiveness etc, but then I came across Squarespace and the rest is history!

Yannis is also making me a new logo which is very much needed! I want something a lot slicker (the current one was something i'd draw a few years ago in a art induced haze)

New website here

In animation related news - i've been keen to get a second set of eyes on my animation because mine begin to glaze over lol - also want to make sure i'm not over animating. SO i've been pestering Natasha and Sushma - they've got great animation eyes. They picked up on something i'd missed completely for the breaking animation and that was - the eyebrows ¬_¬... they weren't moving/ reacting at the correct time.

I have the eyebrows as part of the facial blendshapes (not on their own), which means I can't animate them separately (If I were to model her again now this is something I would definitely do different), so i've had to tweak them on the blends and be careful that i'm not overshooting. Lesson learnt!

Thumbnails ahoy!!
So then I felt like I was on a roll! I've pretty much now roughly blocked out all the key bits of animation with the help of referencing anddd some thumbnails to understand the poses a bit better - like the shot where she steps out of the ship.

When I add more keys and clean them up I want to make sure the movements are snappy! And not too 'airy fairy' - I think that' just my own personal preference in terms of style, but I also think it will work really well with this and the stylisation of the character.

Oooo I also changed one the poses slightly - the bit with the flag. I really couldn't get it to work or make anatomic sense so i've tweaked where her hand will be seen placing a couple of rocks on the ground the keep the flag in place.

Lots to tweak, but I see it as just sketching out my rough guide and movements.

I want to have these all cleaned up, finished and double checked by the end of next week - which gives me 3 glorious weeks on the dance sequence - aiming on finishing 15 seconds of animation per week...The last week of June will be for any texture changes /updates before rendering commences beginning of July! (hopefully earlier)