20 May 2015

Run, Stop, Walk pt 2

So I think i've pretty much finalised the standard walk cycle. Now i'm starting to add in the extra characteristics via animation layers! Hopefully these will all still work when exporting via ATOM (the tests I've done so far have worked).

(need to fix the jump in the neck)


The one think the cycle has definitely alerted me too is that one of the joints in the foot is no longer working (the joint controlling the ball of the foot), which means I couldn't perfect the foot roll. At this stage I think I can get away with it, and tbh i'm not sure when the problem happened as i've tested the rig- I think it might be a weighting issue. But considering all the keys that have been added to the foot i'm very weary of 'fixing' the joint cause it might muck up the foot animations!

Still more to do! Need to work quickerrrr