20 July 2015

Week 44: Compositing, Critiques and Can Dragonball BE any funnier?

So after a day of avoidance and blaming the world, i've finally come to terms with compositing, and decided that I actually do understand it and I actually can do it.. especially if Dragonball is playing in the background.

In order to hit my own personal deadline (all compositing finished by 29th) I need to be doing 3 shots a day - this might seem a bit much / long, but ima way for 2 days so I need to make sure I make up for that lost time and have time to complete my credits!

I've already had a 'minor' setback / realisation - this being that my Matte Paintings are kinda no good haaaa. Putting together my initial shots with colour corrections, effects etc i've seen that they just don't fit anymore.. and this is mainly due to me finalising my landscape textures a few weeks after completing my backgrounds, so they 2 don't gel. 

I'm gonna tweak them so they fit my current style / Borderlands-esque look.

Here's the current look...:(

And after doing a quick test in Photoshop by throwing my landscape texture on as an overlay i'm already getting much better results, so i'm gonna tweak them all tonight and get back on track with compositing tomorrow.

Need to add a bit more depth/ variation so it doesn't look flat but I think they'll be ok.

In terms of effects so far i've added in a slight star twinkle and some dust/gases type things! I don't want to overload it to much as I still need it to look 2D-esque

I'm also finding that i'm getting slightly better results by using my painted colour corrections and adding those into AE. I' trying to keep on track with the 2D ness of it all, and thats also given me the idea of adding any extra lines /out lines that I might need on the landscape or my character by creating them in PS, importing into AE and just animating the translates to follow my character. This will be more useful with the helmet I think!

Back to Dragonball... the motivation is real.



A few of the updated textures! This is a lot more similar to the initial background design that I did - mainly in terms of lines and textures (but definitely better ha)

I wanted an eerie effect for the first half hence the red and green, and then lighter / happier for the end - but i'll probably still do some more colour correction in AE.