15 July 2015

Week 43: Walking Cats and Dogs

It was all going so well until it wasn't... -_-

Still having issues with the dance again, although i've made it easier on myself b cutting it up into different camera shots so I can work on less animation an make changes on animation layers - its also given me the chance to cut out key frames. 

I'm pretty much working the routine out from scratch now to get it to work properly and I really need to have it finished by the end of the week. So I can direct my full attention to compositing (and other projects O_O)


I've also been animating again for Ritchie doing a walk cycle for Peanut (the little cat). I initially looked at a typical quadruped cycle (Some very useful Walk Cycles: Here)...

... only to then fail and remember that this isn't your typical quad - the legs are really short and kinda modelled like a humans.. not the character needs be more in the face and I need to be a bit smarter with the strides.

First test: Walk 1 - too much happening here in the upper body.. make it all look very unfluid and like the body ad legs come from different things.

Second walk: Walk 2 - much better follow through, although a bit too much baby walk-ish! And need to get the translate to match up better which is proving rather tricky due to the leg length and stride pattern.

I've cleaned that walk up a bit more and have applied it to Peanut walking across the road... again more to clean up and I was having a couple of deformation issues with the global control, but animation layers have helped me cheat it slightly.

Aiming to have this cleaned and finished by tomorrow / Friday latest!