29 July 2015

Week 45: Life in an Animated bubble.

Where the hell have I been... feel like ages since my last update. ha. Well also life is still non-existent and all sleep and waking hours appear to revolve around finishing this project... which I can happily say is 80% done with just under 2 weeks to go.

Considering i've been away the last few days the extra 4 days will definitely make all the difference. But i'm still working towards the date of the 7th. i'm aiming to have compositing finally finished by Friday, with the weekend for final edits :) then the last few days will be my credits hopefully!

I've been looking at a few tutorials to help with a couple of things like using my ID passes to emit glows (this I was unable to find in the way that I needed, but I managed to work out my own way). I was mos nervous about creating a breath for shot 6/7, which turned out to be pretty damn easy -_-

The ID passes have been sooo sooo useful for some of the unexpected masking that i've had to use - mainly with the landscape and my character blocking each other out on shots - things I hadn't really considered before (mainly time when the landscape has been in the fore ground to look like a mountain/ rock...if that even make sense).

OH and this has happened for promoting the Masters show...(a very good idea from Ritchie and Kaitlin)

In terms of the other other projects...

Hell Well
I've still been colouring and doing some minor clean up for Yannis's shots, and he's been really really helpful in giving me some After Effects tips, as well as some TV Paint short cuts in terms of colour. I wish I was able to do more but this compositing malarkey has taken a bit longer than i'd initially hoped (mainly due to my slowness I think) - but hoping to colour a couple more shots next week

Once Bitten
I've been colouring a few shots for Slava, and again I wish I was able to do more :( Butttt what I like about this project is that Slava has animated it in Photoshop, which is something i'd like to try at some point, so it's been really cool to see how she has structured this.

Lets Find Them Together
I've been doing quite a bit for this the last few weeks (in terms of various tasks), I've provided the script as well as the narration hahaha. All the animation on my side is finished and because I was going away I provided the group with a document for setting up renders (based on knowledge from Sean and my own learnings). I think it will also be really really useful for me (and others hopefully) to have at a later date if I ever forget how to render lol.