4 July 2015

Renders, Renderfarms and Really Wishing Dragonball Z was real..

RENDERING HAS BEGUN!! And seems to be happening quick-ish mainly because I seem to be the only person using the Renderfarm at the moment (besides Olly) :D and i've got until at least next week until other people jump on.

I've put all my scenes through now, and i'm hoping they'll all be rendered by Monday!!
Dodgy Diffuse Pass
AO Pass

I've got 3 Shots left to complete - 14 (dancing out of the cave - blocked), 15 (dance sequence), and 18 - this is done / set up but I need to add her dancing off into the 'sunset'.

Just finished working on 16 - where she lands back on the planet, and decided to add a bit more drama to it with a DBZ-esque landing ha. I emulates Shot 4/5 where she lands in her space pod, but this time is just her... if that makes sense, an I think that's a nice bit of mirroring.

Got some feedback on it from Sushma and she reminded me to add a bit more squash and stretch and make sure there's more follow through in parts of the body like the arms.

I find animating oddly relaxing...