1 July 2015

Render Me This...

Yet another updated pre-vis with lighting (kinda) and all textures (I think). I still need to tweak the timings for a few shots...oh and its obviously missing the dance stuff.

To remind myself of things to come I did another thing in photoshop har har

Speaking of dance - this is all coming along nicely! Had another trouble shooting session with Chris and he's helped me work out a few issues, and i've pretty much put the parts together, I'm hoping to have it in Maya and cleaned up by the end of the week!! lolllll


I take it back, rendering is ridiculous (well the set up is atleast), mainly because there are so many to set up and i'm doing it on my own -_-. I'm doing a full multipass render using a lovely array of passes. I basically started out by using the same setting that we used for Going Live but was getting a few dodgey results...

Mainly the shadows not working properly and the glowing lights - so again I had to enlist Sean for some feedback and i've pretty much changed the entire set up for 2 shots, along with check and rechecking how the lighting looks which is probably why this has taken longer thanks to slow render previews

Here I am setting up render passes with incorrect inputs (I now know I need to use 16 bit Float for Affect Effects purposes and set the channel to sRGB)

Managed to get the shadows to play ball by increasing the light intensity and tweaking the shadow settings! Annnnddd in terms of glowing i'm now gonna do this all in post as it was causing far to much hassle for me in Maya, and i'm hopin it will cut down my render time a bit!

I've been having a think about the helmet and i've decided to completely strip it of its shinyness so to speak. It will still obviously be transparent but i'm also gonna apply a transparent layer with 2D toon lines to emulate light and shade.
It will fit more with the overall look annndd it cuts out any refraction /reflection problems I might have.

Also figured out a good quick way to set a depth pass thanks to Olly and Sean by simply adding all objects to a render layer - tweaking the layers presets (in attributes) and breaking the max connection and setting it to what I need it to be (if that makes sense)

I'm hoping to officially kick off rendering tomorrow and get a few tests through by Friday - so by next Tuesday i'll have at least half my shots rendered. 
