28 April 2015

Week 33: Lady Sings The Blue

AND SO, now that Going Live is over (freedom feel weird...) it's now time to kick my project back into gear (lol).

I blocked in the next 6 weeks for animation (and this is currently week 2 lol) - and I can definitely see myself still animating atleast until the end of May... maybe into mid June but hopefully not.

So my 3 main areas of focus for the next few weeks obviously are:
  1. Animation
    Sushma was very helpful in assisting me in filming my reference footage. To be honest the main things I needed for this was a walk cycle - which I will be greatly exaggerating and figuring out the best way to make it rather stylised.

    ALSO the really good thing about filming the references is that it alerted me to some of the movements that might be a bit more tricky - like placing the flag in the ground. After acting it out i've found it to be a very unnatural movement, and Yannis has suggested that I make the flag bigger in order to make the movement flow a bit better! So will definitely try this.

    It also showed me that I potentially need to look at a few cartoon references to give the stylised walk and movemements that i'm aiming for

    I'll be playing close attention to these 2 happy sources to make sure i'm producing the best thing that I can and still learning new things (i've yet to touch the Graph Editor... awkward...)

  2. Dance Sequence
    Annoyingly, I won't be around for the mo-cap day, and i've found out that Wendy and Cristina won't be either! It's definitely a blow, BUT I feel like I prepared for this eventuality, and after the experience with GL i'm feeling a lot more confident at the prospect of key framing the whole sequence myself...

    Long, but to be honest i'm looking forward to the challenge, if 2D artists can do it then so can I lol. Again this will be the part that require the most animation time... good luck to me!
  3. Music
    Finally getting a proper handle on this, and some original sound that will be similar in style and sentiment to the music that my animation is based on! I'll now be working with a friend who is a music wizard!

    Fun times all round! 
I've probably posted this before, but hey why not again. This song is great and I am currently painting Billie Holiday.