28 June 2015

Week 41: Textures, Triumphs and Too Much Dawson's Creek

A weekend of texturing! 

I've finally re-textured the terrain in the borderlands/2D style i'm aiming for. I did it in the same way I did for the cave by increasing the UV tiles to repeat or what not.

I think there are still a couple of changes to make for a bit more variation - which I can probably do with a bit of rotation, but i'm still happy with the outcome.

Also been updating other areas like the record player and the box - i've finally added a texture to the record disc itself - I decided to use the actually artwork for the song i'm using called Hope by Old Lumps. The artwork style itself fit perfectly so I thought it would be a shame to not use it.

I still need to make a few other tweaks to the Space Pod, Shoulder Pads and finally texture the flag - but I should have that all done by today and will finally piece together my dance in Motion Builders story mode.


In other art/animation type related newsssss....I've been keeping up with my daily sculpting progress - this is my 3rd head, aiming to sculpt Peter Dinkage and will finally try my first attempt at sculpting hair.

I'm definitely getting quicker a the initial set up and blocking out the features. After this one i'm going to attempt a full body sculpt.