16 December 2014

Week 14: Art, Argh, Ahhhh

Had a bit of an idea slump over the last couple of days, and trying to get my thought onto paper for my character redesign has been a bit trickier than I'd hoped.

I think this is mainly because i'm attempting to break out from my usual style, so making different features more extravagant or diminished goes completely against the anatomy study side of me, but I think i'm getting there.

I've almost nailed the design, but there are still a few more tweaks to be made - to the head in particular - and I need to develop some consistency with this style.

It's been interesting comparing it to the first final design from last semester, and this time I really want her suit to tell her story - mainly through the textures and stickers/badges on her shoulder guards.

Ahhh I think she needs to be more gangly and her head a bit smaller!

Song To Art To: Janelle Monae - Violet Stars Hppy Hunting!