7 December 2014

Week 13: Semester 1 Reflection

Ahhh well it's been a VERY quick 3 months, and my experience of animation so far has been fun, confusing and agitating (mainly because I want to be heaps better).

I really want this blog to fully track my progress and remind myself why I'll be doing certain things over others (in case I have a crisis of confidence and try to so something that's well outside my skill set). So frequently posting really helps me to gather my thoughts, judge where I'm at, but also make sure I've completed the course requirements!

The key things i've learned so far:
I REALLY enjoy modelling
It has the same therapeutic affect on me that painting does, and i've really enjoyed it more than I thought I would.

Rigging is magical and addictive
It's still insane to me how it all works, and although I found myself re-rigging my 3D model a few times, I didn't find myself that annoyed, just determined to finish it. Ridiculous.

Scripts are my best friend
The script writing talks have been SO helpful, and again I found myself enjoying them a lot more than I thought. I've been struggling a while with my comic project and I now know this is because it had no structure in place.

I have a habit of trying to skip to the end, and I was approaching my comic (and my writing in general) without any bones or structure in place. I've now taken the time to properly brainstorm, write, rewrite and finally generate a script that I can now create my comic panels from. I'll be applying the same format to my final project. Good times

Character Development - Again, I sometimes have the habit of trying to skip to the final article, but i'm now taken the time to learn about and develop my characters, visually and story wise.

In regards to my personal project, the development and 3D process' have helped me think A LOT about how I want to move my character forward, and make potential changes.

I really want to try out different styles to try something new expand my own skill set. And if I choose to go 3D I think I could create something really cool if I try something different from my normal style. I'm considering making my character a lot more stylised - potentially making her head bigger and her body longer. I want these changes to also influence the way she moves, and thinking about music I love the idea of her resembling a crotchet.

It may or may not work, but i'll be developing this idea over Christmas.
The long and thin people of the TSB adverts
Big head: Susan from Monsters vs Aliens

Over Christmas I really want to practice my 2D animation and do some line tests. I'm also going to have a go at 3D animating a few simple and complex movements. I think doing this will be the only way for me to determine which route i'll go down for my final project.

I also need to do a timeline!