23 December 2014

Week 15: Re-Modelling Progress

I've spent the last couple of days remodelling my character for my final project.

Definitely working a lot quicker and with more confidence in Maya! - Still have Digital Tutors in the background just in case!

But i'm finding that because she's more stylised this time I have have a bit more fun with her and make certain elements like the waist and hips more extreme without having to worry if she is anatomically correct! It's also making my mesh a lot more simple. I'm trying to make sure i'm not just throwing around edges and cuts like with my last model. And i'm looking out for triangles and 5 sided shapes!

She's also less square and a lot more rounded this time, now that I know what i'm doing.

Aiming to be done in a day or so.


Body base pretty much done. Working on the head and a portrait of Kendrick Lamar to keep my  portrait skills up! (And to keep me de-stressed)


Finally finished up the head pretty much! It's such a MASSIVE difference and improvement from my first attempt, and I had a lot of fun doing it and tryingg out a different technique from before.

This time I used the cube method thanks to Digital Tutors, instead of the plane method that i'd done previously.