14 December 2014

Music, More Designs, Many Ideas

I've been pulling together images and references to help me with redesigning my character. I want to work on making of costume/suit a lot more stylised and intricate, and at the moment I've been listening to lot of Nirvana, Turin Brakes and Janelle Monae so i've got a grunge, soft rock, cyber hybrid thing in mind.

I'm going to be working on the redesign for the next week and watching things like Akira and FLCL to help me flesh out my ideas. 

I've also been looking a lot more about the style and character development of Gorillaz, and the increased cross over between 2D and 3D.  I think I want my character to maintain a lot of its 2D elements while in 3D, so will need to keep developing my texturing skills!

Aiming to have a new design, model, rigged and bound character by the time i'm back at uni after Christmas.

Songs to Add to the playlist:
Every Planet We Reach is Dead - Gorillaz
Feeling Oblivion - Turin Brakes


Been working on a couple of quick sketches for the re design - will revisit this over the next few days and make a few more changes