19 January 2015

Week 19: Going Live, Going Hungry, Going for Pizza


Been doing a lot of group work this week for our Going Live project - its going to be taking up a bit more time than I realised, so I need to reorganise my schedule to make sure that i'm maintaining my final project.

What's good is that it's given me the chance to experiment a bit with more stylised designs - which again is something out my comfort zone. I'm definitely getting more comfortable with doing it, and its been fun to try out different things!

My designs for the matriarchs and ogre for our Going Live project

I've also carried on with my daily pose practices to keep my comfortable with anatomy, and test our different movements, and after talking to Barry about my project, I think this has been a good idea. 

From the beginning I knew that this project had to be simple (cause it's just me), which meant I had to choose an area of focus. And while my programme of study is music's contribution to character design, I know this would be addressed and tested in the pre-production process. Which left the story, environment and animation to contend with. By keeping the story and environment simple it means I can place a large majority of my focus on animating - mainly the dance sequence. 

By practising poses I feel like i'm gearing myself up for working on different angles, positions and perspectives. I'm going to start doing daily dance pose practices too so there's a direct link! I've potentially got Cristina to do the dance sequence which would be great! And I really want to give myself a couple of months to work on it and refine it!

Once i've finalised the rig and weight painted i'm hoping to start doing tests at the beginning of the month.

Success and hunger.

Music to mull and art to:
Billie Holiday: Solitude

Although I may not need it, I decided that I wanted to create rig-able eyelids for my character so she can blink on demand!! Whilst I was at it I also rigged the eyes so they move on demand. 
Took me a while to find the best way to do this, and although I considered blendshapes, I felt i'd have more control if I created and rigged the lids. Now I need to work out how to attach the eyelashes and do blendshapes them i'm done!

I've been working on my blend shapes which has been lots of fun. And FINALLY after 2 days i've figured out how to get my eyelashes to follow my eyelids sweep blink!! 
After looking at heaps of tips (and non working) I figured out that by selecting the eyelash, then the eyelid and hitting WRAP I could get them to work together!
Here is my character throwing some serious shade.
I've tweaked a couple of the vertices on the lashes so they don't cross over to dramatically with their opposites, but all in al VERY happy!
I'm probably now going to need to add a jaw bone to get the teeth and tongue to connect to for my blendshapes