11 January 2015

Productions, Precisions and Practice

I've FINALLY gotten round to working on my production timeline for my final project! As this is my first one I had a little scout around Google to find some thorough examples to make sure I haven't missed out anything. Also found a blog with some really useful advice.

The blog also directed me to the PERFECT video, which really captures what i think i'm going for with this in terms of texturing, movement and lighting!!

It's been really useful to see a full breakdown of what's needed and how much work there is to do O_O, but in terms of pre-production a lot of this stuff has been done which is good! But it has highlighted that i've neglected my environment, so will be bending Nicola's ear for some advice!

I've also decided to redo my storyboard/animatic so I can make sure that everything is locked down ahead of animating. I also need to start locking down my dance sequence and redesign for the music.

In terms of other projects, Amit's decided to rework his, and i'm gonna we working on some new designs and concept art this week! I'm a massive fan of the new idea and it's something i've looked at for previous projects. Will update with with designs later on! It's all great practice for me too and means i'm drawing everyday which is great.

Music to influence the concept art for Amit's project:
Porcupine Tree

The legs are FINALLY done!! This is taking a bit longer than I initally planned bit there's lots to get my head around and I feel like its giving me real insight into the animation process and how i'll go about controlling it!

Just the arms to go.. and will think about a different system for the face.