27 January 2015

Week 20: Housekeeping

So i've been doing a bit of housekeeping to make sure all my pre-production is in check to get me ready for my production at the end of February. Ideally i'd like to get started earlier than that, but with the Going Live project I need to do a bit of prioritising.

I've re-drafted my script just to tighten it up a bit.

I've also been doing a bit of research on cinemtography (and using notes from last semester) to re-draft my storyboard. I worked on our group one for Going Live and have taken on board some of the changes to help influence how I go forward with my personal one. I want to make sure all the angles are right (and simple) and that it makes sense!

Cinematography of 2014 from Jacob T. Swinney on Vimeo.

I've also been looking at Duncan Jones's Moon to get a few tips for angles in a space setting!

I'm aiming to have the colour script with the help of Adobe Colour CC and a revised animatic also finished this week. I've asked Natasha to take a look t it cause its good to get a second pair of eyes on it and she's great with this stuff. I want to start a 3D visualisation over the weekend, then I need to get a wriggle on with the environment.

I'll be working on the environment modelling for our Going Live project because I really wanted to use this as a chance to practice and get myself ready to work on it for my final project. 

I'm aiming to work both projects side by side - so when i'm working on the GL environment, I want to work on the environment for my one, same with assets, texturing, lighting etc. And with my rigging already done, hopefully by the end f the month I can kick off testing and production. My animation skills will hopefully be decent by then too!

OH and i've also come up with a provisional title Girl Lunar Explorer - based on a song of the same name by Melora Creager. The lyrics also really fits the story ^_^

UPDATE (30/01/15)

After speaking to Natasha i've revised a couple of my panels so they make more sense! She's suggested The scene where my character comes out of the space pod and looks around will only work properly if she's still in shot for the 360 view - otherwise it might confuse the viewer which totally makes sense. 
Here's a few lol-worthy examples courtesy of Michael Bay.

My updated shots and my full storyboard.

Final Storyboard