13 January 2015

Week 18: Reflect, Re-Interpret, Realise

New term, new modules and a nice new list of things to do!

Going Live
Firstly we've started our Going Live projects for this semester! In a group with Kaitlin (PM) Natasha, Cristina, Ritchie, Sushma, Ritchie, Amit, Ioanniss and Carlo. We're still discussing ideas of what we'd like to produce and i've already been having a think about where my skills would b best used.

I've already put myself forward to maintain the blog as my OCD permits it ha. Im also thinking that i'd be suited well to modelling (cause i'm loving it) and it would be potentially a good chance to model something that isn't a female human like my last 2 models! I'm also keen to help with the design / concept art etc. But i'd also love to try out any effects what we'll need as well as the animating process itself - which i'm sure we'll all be doing due to the work load.

Lots to do but i'm excited and feeling confident about it.

Reflection on Practice
Had a great session today which really really got me thinking about my processes, approach and the ways in which I evaluate myself and work. In terms of my work it really had me considering things I hadn't previously considered.

In terms of my journey so far during this course I really feel like i've learnt alot practically and about how I work best - music being a main driver, one that i knew was important, but especially so and I can link this to everything I do in some shape of form.

Here's my Reflective Learning Map.

I've definitely gone from the 'have I bitten off more than I can chew' stage to the 'bring it on!' stage. I'm so much more productive, picked up new skills, more confident in my art and trying new things, bit i've also picked up on where my weaknesses lie and how I can address these.

Although throwing in a but of Justin Bieber for the confidence i'm beginning to feel about my art, and the beat that was in my head when I was considering my map... obvously a lot of the lyrics don't apply, but the essence is there HA.

We also did some Reflective Dialogue - this could be with anyone, and the first person that popped into mind was Jim Morrison, which surprised me cause I thought it would be someone that I feel is directly impacting my creativity at the moment like Janelle Monae.

But after having my imaginary convo with Mr Morrison, I realised that i'm really seeking to also improve my storytelling skills (especially for personal projects), and making sure I keep the essence and core theme of my story throughout, and I feel like Morrison nails what with most of his poetry and a lot of his music with The Doors - 2 different ways of story telling but storytelling never the less. It helped A LOT and I pulled together some tips to help my writing flow.

And finally some nifty Structured Reflection - Recall, Relive, Re-Interpret, Respond. After flashing back to the horrors of dicovering UV mapping in semester one, this practice really REALLY helped me to see it in a different way and get something completely positive out of it.

Not only has UV mapping practice helped, but the Re-Interpret / Respond part made me consider the reasons why I haven't liked it as much as i'd hoped, especially due to my art /painting background, and how I can address this to make it more fun and positive for me =D

  1. Listen to music when rigging to enhance to productivity and 'flow'
  2. From Jim M on storytelling: 
    • Empty the closet first and let the words flow 
    • Create a story to a beat
    • Keep the core and essence of the story you're trying to tell
  3. UV Mapping - Find an alternative way to enjoy it. Paint the face as I normally would in photoshop (a front and side view), THEN splice and shape to fit the UV map (similar to mapping a real face to a model!)