12 April 2015

Matters of Learning, Matte Painting and Matt Murdock

Haaaa finally finished my first ever matte painting! I'm usually adverse to landscapes, but this more a lot more enjoyable than I thought it would be.

I've picked up some really useful Photoshop tips from people this year and definitely grown in art skill, which has given me the confidence to try new art things. This being one of them. Huzzah.

As I move into animation, i'll probably find that I need to make a few tweaks here and there, but at the moment i'm really happy with it, and think it fits in we'll with the 2D / Borderlands-esque style i'm going for.

I thought it would be a good idea to quickly comp it in with one of the many selfie renders i've done to make sure it doesn't clash with my model!

Need to give the landscape/matte a bit more colour so she stands out more against it me thinks. Will also definitely need to tweak the sky - her face is blending into it too much. And stars! How could I forget the stars...

Now, on the personal art side, i'm keeping up with my weekly anatomy sessions - learning and re-learning, and attempting to put this stuff into practice - especially for my warm up sessions... which are obviously now Daredevil influenced.

Also gives the opportunity to evade my portrait comfort-zone

Until I eventually go back to it (for fun)

A Daredevil work in progress

No doubt there will be more Matt Murdock madness to come... ack