1 April 2015

Dee-Con, Drawing and Distractions

So, as well as attempting to pimp out a comic at Dee-Con, i'll also be attempting to flog some good old fashioned fan art - which usually makes good con-fodder.

It's been a nice thing to do break up all the 3Dness, and has also given me a chance to start working on my colouring and colour style. I'm still trying to figure it it - I know it's not rocket science, but i've found it to be quite an adjustment to make from my usual portrait painting style. This year has been the first time i've really tried to hone in on it an practice stuff.

It's also given me chance to delve a bit deeper into Photoshop and use tools and filters that I never normally would use. I've also been learning more about resolutions etc for print courtesy of Yannis and Cristina, which will be really really helpful for my own commissions too.

Finally got round to finishing Gamora today (really happy with this one) and Korra last night/4am.

Huzzah. Still lots of stuff I wanna try and do - like I really want to get out of the habit of cell(ish) shading, and try something that plays more with the brush style that I like.

But for now i'm happy.... and i'm slower than ever when it comes to inking/lineart D=