5 April 2015

Scapula, Sorcery and S.H.I.E.L.D

Ha! Well I managed to achieve some of this weeks plans like quick tests - but DeeCon prep and Going Live has robbed me of other time!

Speaking of DeeCon, it was great, been to conventions before, but this was my first time actually selling which was fun! And I actually made quite a bit of money which I didn't really expect!! Natasha is a proper little Del-Boy haha and has definitely taught me to value my work and not downplay it! (i'm crap as asking for money).

Del Boy in all her glory, luring in the customers

All our joy at pimping out our goods
 So getting back to work life, although I have launched into topping up my anatomy skills - I think i've been getting a bit rusty, and ahead of animating I want to make sure i'm getting all my movements / follow through's etc correct so that means I get to spend extra fun time studying metacarpals, scapula's and all that boney lark =D

SO with that in mind, plan for next week is to rejig my time line and official start setting up my scenes! I also need to decide on the setting i'll use for the toon line - although I still want to test to see if there are other ways of creating a outline (which would mean I can avoid rending the line out separately)

ALSO Amit taught me how to set up render passes properly so I also want to get my head stuff in it properly.

FINALLY. I would like to take this brief moment to exercise my right to fan girl.
This is my WIP portrait of Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D's Agent 33 / Melinda May being retweeted by Melinda May herself Ming-Na Wen.
Oprah tears.