6 April 2015

Week 30: Schedules, Shots and Scenes

Good times good times indeed.

I've FINALLY gotten round to setting up my shot/scene list (based on the template Kaitlin pulled together for Going Live) and rejigging my schedule. Going live has helped me make it A LOT my realistic.

The aim for the next 2 weeks is to start setting and dressing my scenes - I know i'll still be tweaking this all along the way, but i've got a good few weeks before any rendering starts to make those final decisions.

I've given myself 6 weeks to animate - i'm thinking that it's not going to take me this long - but I also factored in time for clean ups, (redo's if needed) and time for learning / testing out a few things! I've also given myself 2 weeks for compositing... this my not be s realistic as i've got lots to learn about it!! But i'm hoping that as we heading this for Going Live i'll pick up all the things I need. Although i'll probably need a bit more time if i'm using Nuke.

Gonna be really strict with myself and make sure I stick to this new schedule as much as possible so I make sure I hit the ground running as soon as GL is done.
I now have this hanging above my laptop as a helpful reminder.

I also have the gin ready.

Totally unrelated to this final project (soz), but after an (un)healthy dose of Stevie Wonder and peanut butter, I am in the ZONE.

Melinda May progress - all the flat tones laid down for my base