9 April 2015

Terrains, Tones and The Tunes of Billie Holiday

I've started to get all my files in order for my project scenes etc - I want to have all the scenes set by the end of next week, and i've realised that in order to do that I need to take a few steps back. 

One of the things i've definitely learnt from going live is that when it comes to this animation business you definitely need to walk (crawl, etc) before you even attempt to jog or run. In other words I need to not get ahead of myself, and make sure that all my ground work has been laid, and actually plan my method of attack instead of just diving in!

So I've kind of gone back to pre-production for my environment, I need to make sure that I get the layout right and textured so I can set my scenes properly. I'll most likely have a couple of different sets - the outside and the cave.

I also want to make sure that I don't have anything more than is needed in my scenes - as not doing this for GL has made our files really really laggy and a but messy with all the different references floating around!

I'll probably reference in scenes - but there will most likely be times where I import directly. I'll also have a couple of different versions of my model - one with things like the flag already constrained in her hand.

SO getting back to the designs - i'm still going Borderlands-esque style and so i've done a bit of research / Borderlands stalking to see if they did anything different to their landscapes than their models. The style is pretty much the same, but I think it'll also require a bit more on my part by way of painterly skill! Especially for the rocks.

I'm pretty such that these are 3D with 2D textures and i'm looking to do the same thing, although it has made me rethink my matte painting - which I aim to redo this weekend.

I'll probably use Bump and or Displacement maps for the cave and general terrain and then add the colour diffuse...soooo did a couple of quick tests to see what could be achieved.

Will definitely be going for a more subtle look as I want the 2D texture to do all the talking - I think that if it's too dramatic it will clash with my model and assets.

So will hopefully have this nailed by this weekend, meaning I an actually dedicate time to properly setting my scenes and cameras.


Radiohead will guide my journey to terrain salvation.