10 June 2015

Animation Alliu

I have animation escaping every pore. As icky as that seems I still stand by it.

So i've started making my way through my list of things to do this week, having pretty much completed locking off the cameras (still wiggle room) and throwing together a new previs that is nowhere near as embarrassing as my first attempt ( hope).

There's definitely still work to be done, but I know I needed to do this to see how things are shaping up! It also includes the almost completed track i've had designed for the first half :D

So firstly i'm very happy that i'm still hitting below 2 mins, and there are definitely a few timing tweaks to make - and once I've animated the dance I think i'll know for definitely. But that will need to be 35 seconds max.

Things that need to be done now that i've seen this all together
  • Timing tweaks for certain shots
  • Reconsider some of the camera angles - I think I can make shots look a bit more interesting, but again I think this might happen during the dance sequence
  • Animation tweaks
  • Proper staging!!!
  • Figure out how to add a 'glassy/ reflective/ fishbowl' effect for when its her first person perspective.
I've also had some much needed feedback from Sean which was very very useful! He likes what i've managed to achieve so far and has suggested a couple of things: 
  1. More extreme poses - especially because her character is so stylised. This is definitely something I aimed to do from the beginning (hence the complicated rig), but I think I got caught up in making sure I got the animation right and kinda left that out. So i'm gonna revisit some shots (13 in particular) and tweak that, the dance sequence was also my main platform to showcase this.
  2. Silhouettes - By adding a black surface shader to my character I can just focus on the exaggerated poses and making sure that i've got all the secondary movements nailed too.
So this will also be a job for Friday. I should have the dance sequence by tomorrow, i'll also run it by Cristina so she can help me capture it when I head to the Mo-Cap Lab early next week! But tomorrow I want to start blocking the extreme poses and see how I go.