4 June 2015

Shots, Sugar and Stranglulations

Haaa well, I think it's just really hit me that i've got 8 weeks to pull this all together O_O. 

Definitely feeling more confident with each shot that I animate, and i've gone back through all of them and made some tweaks - there will probably be more to be made just before rendering, but hopefully by the end of the week I will be completely done with everything (expect for the dance).

I'm still waiting on the footage for this - hopefully if this comes through in the next few days i'll still have 3 solid weeks (give or take) to animate this and make final animation changes.

I'm gonna get some advice / tips from Sean and Sushma on how to make some of the shots look a lot less 'jumpy' and more creeping (mainly the walk for shot 9)!

Shot 7

Shot 8

Shot 9

Shot 9 Close Up

Shot 11

I also need to work on cutting down the timings - mainly for shot 11 which is currently 4 seconds too long pfftt.

Working on these and looking at other animations for reference has also made me rethink some of my camera angles. I need to make sure I scribble these down or i'll forget D=

oooo yes and another thing. For all my love of IKs, FK is defo making my life a lot easier at the moment - especially for the walk cycles. I've gone back and reanimated the arms in all the shots so far to work with the FK instead of the IK, mainly to get more control.

Happy Thursday!