14 June 2015

Tweaking, Trying and Too Much Much Dragonball Z

SO In keeping with my mini schedule, i've been tweaking my animations, keeping in mind Sean's feedback. I've also been resetting up my camera's too get better and slightly more 'exciting' angles so the whole thing isn't just a series of mid shots.

I wanted to add a little camera shake for when the pod hits the ground - I already knew how I might approach this, but staring at this day after day has definitely made me less than objective (on weekends atleast), so Youtube was a wise consultation - especially as I wanted to get that 'heavy' effect.


Here's the camera shake action for Shot 4/5, and also a camera position tweak on the X-axis to get more of a bearing down angle to make her look a tad smaller and intimidated. 

I could still exaggerate it a bit more but i'm happy with this angle at the moment and I wanted it to include most of the torso - especially as their a close up head shot that comes a few seconds after.

Also been working with the silhouette to redo Shot 13. The main aim was to get better follow through - and it was much quicker to just redo instead of attempting to try and tweak the keys.

I think that once the dance sequence is completed i'll revisit these Shots one las time for final FINAL tweaks (as i'm sure I would have learnt a few more things by the end of it).

NEXT ON THE LIST! BACKGROUND! I've definitely come a long way with these especially after the first draft. I've been tweaking the lines and tones so they don't blend too much with my character. But I also wanted to take some colour psychology into consideration to help create different atmospheres to represent her mood change from the start to the end.

So that's red/green at the beginning for a creepier / unknown vibe, then orange/pink/bue by the end for a much calmer happier tone.

I've got 7 different variations for different shots and once I tweak the textures i'll do a final pass at these for any extra colour corrections - although I could just do these when compositing.

In non-related final project news art related news... I am still ZBrushing a new bust and deciding on my next venture, i've also finished the Harrys HuHa2 videos and want to start work on an animation practice in TV paint before I flesh out the idea for my credits.

Oh and I also decided to pay homage to the show that got me into all this art malarky... good old Dragonball Z.

I've definitely picked up lots of really really useful Photoshop tips since i've been here, which has definitely helped me be more confident with attempting to paint something like this (even though it is just fanart...)