2 June 2015

Week 38: Scenes, Sculpting and Sleeping

Had a quick catch up with Mark Grindle today for a project catch up and some feedback etc. Was definitely very very useful, and all seems well - although Mark 2 point out that my short was missing a POV - especially from my character - to help the audience better understand the story and connect with my character.
He's suggested 2 possible points to add this in: 
  1. Once my character arrives on the planet and is nervous
  2. After she has finished dancing and is happier
After thinking about i've decided to tweak the 360 turn so it will now be a first person POV - the audience will be looking out into the environment through my characters eyes (so they will see why it's so un-nerving) - I'll give the landscape a greeny/red menacing haze.
I'll then do a similar take after the dance - again the audience will be looking through her eyes at the environment, and this time i'll make sure the tones are a lot calmer and brighter - very 'sunsetty'.
Already just thinking about it I think this will add another level of depth to my production. ALSO means I don't have figure out how to create a 360 matte O_O GOOD TIMES!
Yet ANOTHER programme for me to be ridiculously slow in haha but I know it comes with practice - i'm currently modelling a bust! I was originally attempting to scultp Anna Paquin buuuuttt remembered I needed to WALK first so doing a practice head first based on memory but still using her for anatomical reference.

It's going ok so far I think... although forgot that Perspective view makes things look different so I need to tweak things (completely changed the head shape forgetting about Perspective view :( ).

Aiming to FINALLY have this finished by the end of the week. I'll then probably create another one - a male head but not using ZSpheres, i'll start from a sphere/cube instead and manipulate.

I've DEFINITELY learned how to think in 3D and apply my Photoshop techniques to this - It feels like i'm painting, and I think that's definitely helped me pick it up quicker.

Speaking of Photoshop, i'm still picking up new things an attempting different styles - mainly for colouring. I've successfully learned how to use and abuse the various colour adjustments.

Nux (Mad Max)

Rogue (X-Men)
Keen to start using TV Paint (post ZBrush success), in the mean time i've been looking a lot more 2D animations to pick up inspiration and to just general enjoy - especially if it reminds me Evangelion and Gundam...