24 June 2015

Other Projects and Other Things

In between doughnut eating and lending my life to Motion Builder i've been working on the other projects i'm helping with! So i've been living in TV Paint painting frames for Yannis's Hell Well. It's also given me a chance to flex my TV paint skills / knowledge. 

Photoshop is definitely more user friendly lol but it's pretty easy to use, and i'm getting through the shots quite quickly - about 1 every 2 hours, and i'm aiming to produce a shot per day (i've done 2 so far).

Also the new animatic for Ritchie's project! As it's mainly live action there's only a few shots to animate which is good to know :) and i'll still be helping with that. 

I'll also be helping Ritchie with the script - which is something i'm new to (script writing that is), but i'll use my humour and strong wit to help Ritchie's story cruise to victory!!


In Motion Builder related news i've finally managed to get my Motions mapped onto my character!! Missing the eyes etc - they will need to be re-contrained to the head joint once I bring my  model back into Maya!

Now beginning the exciting task of putting the sequences together to form my full 30 second dance. HUZZAH INDEED.