7 June 2015

Week 39: That time when I was animating...

More animation! More and more shots.

Like I was babbling on about a few days ago there's still room for revision with these - especially once I get feedback, but as of now (3am) this (almost nearly) concludes everything that needs to be animated that doesn't include the dance - leaving me with 3 weeks to complete that.

I still haven't got the footage from my dancer yet, hopefully she'll have it for me by this week, hopefully i'll also be able to do some motion capture too.

I've got a nice list of things that I now to need to have finished in preparation for rendering at the beginning of July...
  • Animate the dance sequence
  • Set and lock my cameras for each Shot
  • Set the lighting / IBL in each Shot
  • Tweak the textures / backgrounds
  • Compile all my playblasts for a new previs / animatic (to check timings and give myself a base for the editing stage)
  • Final tweaks to animation
I'm planning on getting most of these done by this week and hopefully this will give me a better view of where i'm at, and what needs doing or changing (especially when it comes to camera shots and angles).


In ZBrush related news, I have sculpted my first head lol. Definitely learnt a lot from doing this and i've already started work on the next one. I want to keep practising (i'm giving myself an hour a day), and with this next one I want to try and create it without using ZSpheres... ha. We'll see how that goes!

SOOOO now that i've 'conquered' ZBrush, i'm now giving myself a proper crash course in Flash (an hour a day mainly for TV Paint prep) so I can be more confident using it, butttt i'd also like the closing credits to include some 2D animation! (Depending on time).

I really like the credits for 850 Meters

AND the ones for Wall-E - I think something like this (more of the story after the actual story) would make a lot of sense for my project (TIME PERMITTING)

If time does become a problem then I think I could probably replace this with some concept art and animate the camera movements. I need to flesh it out a bit more over the next few weeks - and it would probably better to start it sooner rather that later - but as of now it's not at the top of my priority list but its there somewhere :D

At Olly's recommendation i'm following y Harry's HuHa 2 How-Tos tutorials which are hilariously helpful!