5 February 2015

Assets, Accumulations, Anticipations

I'm making sure that i'm staying on track with my schedule, so this week i'm also working on my assets. I've done a bit more research and have settled on some redesigns for my space craft and record player.

With the record player I initially wanted to go more futuristic, but then realised that I kinda wanted to pay homage to music via a gramophone design. I mixed it in with a more modern design of the new Gramovox!

I also wanted the pod to be a more simplistic, and rounder to compliment my character. And getting all psychological about it, I kind of saw it as an egg lol...new life, developments, emerging etc and I feel that fits in with the theme of my story... (to me it does at least). 

Also made sure to include a seat and some screens this time! I know the pod won't be in it for long, but you get to see a bit of the interior, so don't want it looking like a tin can!

I looked at some pod designs for inspiration, and I think they'll be really handy when it comes to texturing!

I've also worked on my matte painting which i'll be projecting into the background. I might create some distant rocks etc as a separate projection, but will have a play around first (aka figure out how to do it properly) then make a decision.

Also started working on my space matte painting (in 4K). I wanted to keep it simple, and I'll have to do some tests to see of I should add some of the terrain or just model it all! But so far it looks ok with some of my scenes I think. Will also see if the colours work... also not sure about the planets...

less stars

Music to matte paint to: Sonic Youth - Disappearer