22 February 2015

Croissants, Comics and Pumpkins

OK, so i've had a very very arty weekend and have decided I really need to pull my art shite together (comic in particular), so i've pulled together a schedule and given myself 3 weeks to complete it (lollll).

Current working title is Photosynthesis and the plot is short and simple I think. My main character (new working name of Lily) is VERY Toph (The Last Airbender) and Chihiro (Spirited Away) influenced, and it took me a couple of days to work on a design but i'm happy with what i've got atm! Simplicity!

Got a couple of panels done, but really need to tighten up my story before I go any further. Taking a much more different approach to this than I usually would because of time. Normally I try to complete a whole panel (inks, colours etc) before moving on, but I get so hung up on that then end up stopping, so i'm just gonna have all my pages sketched and inked in the next week and half (haaaaa) before colours etc.

Again I want to keep it all as simple as possible for now - especially juggling it with Going Live and my final project, but i'm hoping to develop it once i've got more time :).

Even if I don't finish it in time it would still be nice to finally have a finished comic project haha.

Playlist and development inspiration for said comic is mostly side 2 of The Smashing Pumpkins Mellon Collie and The Infinite Sadness (In The Arms of Sleep being my favourite). It's also the influence for my character's name Lily. There's also some Laura Marling thrown in.