16 February 2015

Week 23: My, Myself and Rigging

Also doing a bit of 'creative problem solving'. Basically using what I now know / learned to tackle certain issues.

For example i'm rigging 3 of our characters for our Going Live project. They have rather large moustaches which will be rather important to emphasis their expressions.

The internet failed to reveal it's secrets into the best ways to rig this. So I took it upon myself to try and be awesome about it and use the eye rig technique for this. So basically I added joints, created an overall moustache control, created attributes for the joint axis's then ran these through the connection editor.

NOW, I know im not reinventing the wheel, but for something that could barely create geometry in Maya, let alone use it a few months ago, i'm feel like i'm coming along quite well.

This extra level of detail may not be needed, but I wanted to give our team as much control as possible, and do some tests.

I just a basic FK rig for this (with IK in the legs), but i also found that by going back to basics (after the hubbub of my rig) i've picked up a few things I missed before in my early rigging chaos. Like properly understanding FKs and IKs and their capabilities, and a better understanding of the constraints system etc. Ooo and creating controls for my blendshapes =D

I'm enjoying the creepiness of this all a bit too much...

The moral of the story, I <3 Rigging