1 February 2015

Model Behaviour

I've been doing a bit of environment modelling for our Going Live project, and i'm finding it very useful in terms of preparing for modelling my own environment for my personal project.

Also had a stab at modelling plants O_O I'm sure there's a much better way to do it in terms of workflow but i'm quite please with the results!

I'm going to be looking at a few tutorials to make sure I can really nail the planet / space atmosphere. I'll be finalising the design, the assets and modelling next week! Need to make sure it doesn't get left behind.

I've also been working on my Pre Vis - its my firsts one so I looked around online for a few tips, and i've watched the one Amit made for Going Live more than a few times. My main aim was to create something quickly so I could focus more on the key framing.

I looked into creating it in SketchUp (for some reason i thought Maya would take longer....), it's quite a powerful tool and it's starting to be used for Pre-Vis's, but I found it was taking a lot longer - especially re-acquainting myself with it to use for this particular thing.

I don't think I have the time right now to sit and work on it properly, and using Maya will help me achieve the angles I want a lot quicker, and I can make the assets super quick - instead of importing rough one from the SketchUp Warehouse.

Until next time SketchUp

Quickly modelled my terrain and main assets. Also did a quick not very god bind of my character to move around.. I say move very lightly. She is currently eyeless cause they wont move with her body. I'll figure it out.

The cave was a lot tricker and I ended up just using a series of planes... i'll keep finding a way to model this properly. But thinking about my camera angles you don't actually see the outside of the cave... just the inside, so I can probably get around modelling the whole thing =D

LOL - cave madness... looks like a burnt out shack.