12 February 2015

Getting Perspective

I'm always wanting to make sure that i'm balancing all this work with personal art to build a portfolio. So i'm keeping up with my daily sketches, with bigger pieces every couple of weeks. I'm continuing to try and branch out an try different styles with different techniques.

The legend that is Ron Swanson
I've also decided that I need to kick my perspective studies into gear. I was doing little bits here and there, but I think im finally ready to properly tackle the theory and actually do it probably.

I'm going to be using the perspective and composition tutorials / seminars by Matt Laskowski, who's an artist i've been been following for YEARS. His composition and perspective pieces for his comic project are amazing and I really feel like i'm finally in a position to start working on it.

I really believe that this will really really aid my story boarding process as i'll be paying more attention to composition, POV, FOV and things like the rule of thirds. I also think it will help me in the matte painting department AND help give me more confidence to tackle landscape / cityscape  pages for my comics.