14 February 2015

Walking, Running, Winning

Alas we finally cracked on with the walking and running cycle today in Sean's class, and I must say it was definitely a lot easier than I though (especially after the ball bounce and actually knowing how to use Maya).

Picked it up quite quick, and I think again my understanding of anatomy and muscle movement has really helped, so i'm understanding what parts of the body will shift to where and why, and what controls what etc

It's DEFINITELY helped me to feel more confident to tackle the animation in my personal project. It is also highly addictive.

Working with Sean's model which I am stealing cause it looks awesome

Will definitely be sure to use a walking image sequence as a reference, and i'm also aiming to add more body language in so the audience can pick up on my characters emotions etc.

Ah yes also one thing i'm still getting a handle on with animation is making sure to use the graph editor for  bit of clean up, but also to alert me to any issues.

Also will sometimes work purely in silhouette mode to make sure i'm not getting distracted by the textures etc and am focusing purely on the shapes.

LOL my first attempt at both (put them into premier pro to get a loop hence the slight jump.

This is definitely the kind of thing I get OCD about to make sure its perfect, and I already found it this that I started tweaking individual frames a lot which started to have a more negative impacted, and my movements/transitions were less soothe. So I need to make sure I avoid doing that when animating my project!
After all the fun and games did a quick slight jump test with my model (ignore the horrid armpit deformation.

To celebrate she also took a selfie.