7 February 2015

Nuke it...pt.II

Compositing is probably my weakest area at the moment - I just haven't seemed to click with it like I have done with the other aspects of 3D - it's taking me a bit longer for certain elements to click with me mentally, but I know it's mainly down to the way I learn and process etc etc.

But I really want to work at it as I know it'll be really useful for elements of my final project, (I think at least) and it started to make sense when I was using it for Multipass rendering (It felt like more of a Photoshop-esque process at that point).

We had another Nuke session on Friday focusing on tracking. I think I understand it a bit more now, but I know I really need to work at it to find away of using it that work best for me.

 It was cool to see how the tracking then links in directly with Maya

Need to start fitting in Nuke sessions into my personal time D=