20 March 2015

I Is Animator

In my quest to become an animator, I have learned that I actually need to learn to animate.

Lucky for me Going Live has left me no choice (to which I am happy for), so i've had a chance to do more than a walk cycle and brush up on my animation skills before I start blocking out my final project.

In usual Bimpe fashion I ran before I could walk and pretty much tried to skip ahead with key framing everything - mainly because I misjudged the 'complexities' and nuances of the scene.

Luckily for me this ended badly, forcing me to once again remember that what seems like the long way round (blocking biggest movements) ends up being the quick way round especially if it means you don't need to start again because you screwed up a scene.

ALSO despite being mean most times, Maya is smarter than she (yes she) looks and creates her own inbetweens - leaving it up to me to address / key the more detailed movements / parts.

Meaning I get better results like the below:

I've had a lot of really really helpful advance from Sushma on these - and I know they're not perfect, i'm definitely feeling a lot more confident in doing it. The main thing will now be understanding and utilising the key principles and again paying more attention to anatomy and movements. 
I'm finding it heaps more useful to use myself as a reference to act out the moments instead of just using photos... although that's mainly for actions as opposed to walk/run cycles.
My key lesson(s) for this is to take my time, be VERY patient and FOLLOW THROUGH.
Anatomy funtimes shall ensue.