5 March 2015

Photoshop Fwend...

I love Photoshop 3D!

I'm sure its not the best platform for texturing by far, but for what i'm trying to achieve and for how I function, this has definitely been a great way for me to explore texturing.

I've been having a bit of a play around but I think i'm finally settling on something - I'm avoiding the toon shade look, but still want to use the outline for a 2D effect. I was struggling mostly with style and application but after approaching it like I would do with a digital painting I mucked around with some custom brushes to kind of emulate my current painting style.

Diffuse Map courtesy of me
I might play around with this a bit more to get in a few tones!
Also been playing around with Photoshop's automatic Normal Mapping - not entirely sure if I'll need one but i'm liking the look of it, been to see what it will look like when rendered.
Basic Normal Map courtesy of Photoshop
I had to tweak it slightly as it was really showing on the seams - and the 3D option is quite temperamental at the moment - the only way to get rid of the seams is to paint on the 3D model, which would mean I can't really paint on the UV map at the same time - the changes cancel themselves out... for shame Photoshop.

Still making a few tweaks and changes and testing out a few things. I added a few hand drawn outlines and a slight purple gradient cause i'm funny like that.

My unlit displacement map
Still lots of learning to do and I have the glorious Slowdive to see me through it.

Quick test applying it to my model - no attributes really tweaked except for the reflectivity of the phone...Still changes to make, and figure out why the eye lids aren't rendering, although I have a rough idea...
But yeh i'm pretty happy with how this is finally shaping up! Will experiment with changing the line colour
I'm comic related news i'm all done with my lines and i'm ready to start colouring. To be honest there's probably a bit of clean up that needs doing but I just want to crack on with finishing it! Also starting to think about what I want to do next :) Aim is to have a couple of short stories by the end of the year.
Also probably going to migrate over to Manga Studio again for my lines - they're so much cleaner... not a fan of the subtle shadow that Photoshop leaves behind.
Also seriously considering doing my inking on paper just to ditch the digital for a little bit.
Good times!