1 March 2015

Touché tooning, touché...

Huzzah! I'm conquering my texturing avoidance mainly because it now means i'll be running behind my schedule :( )

I've been doing a lot of sitting and tutorial watching to see if there's a tooning technique that I really like and i've come across one that aim's to emulate the lines you get in SketchUp.

Maya Toon Shader And Toon Outlines Set Up - Nick Zuccarello

I've been doing a couple of tests with it, and in regards to my model i'm already run into a couple of issues - mainly getting the lines to conform to her shape (as she hasn't been smoothed =/), but also getting the lines to follow the rig after the toon line has been converted to a polygon (so it can render in Mental Ray). I'm gonna do a bit more investigating to see if I can find a solution to this O_O

Testing 1,2.3

I had to play around with some of the toon line / conversion settings to make sure the lines were coming out the way  wanted and not picking out every little crease!

There was another method which I really wanted to do which involved using gradient maps instead of toon lines but the method was done in 3D Max =(. Still looking to see if there's Maya version out there cause i'm not sure I have the time or knowledge to come up with my own version from scratch :(

Oh and it also uses Vray which I am too poor for.

Ummm, but the main elephant in the room is the actual texturing itself... but i'm ready to move on from the failed methods and i'm going to start testing maybe using other applications like Mudbox to get the 2Desque finish that I want. I'll probably end up running back to Photoshop, but i'm giving myself another week to figure that out!

Mudbox stabbed me in the back, so that's off the list.

In other non-3D based news (kinda) I've inked 2 more pages for my short comic. Aiming to have the final 5 done by Wednesday. 

I think I might also start using Maya and Sketch up to help me with creating scenes (later down the line). Environment holds me back quite a bit, this way i'm hoping it will help me improve my 2D environment skills AND maya modelling. ha.